Choose Play Evaluation Work for East Lothian Play Association (ELPA)
Schools' Theatre, Drama and Dance Engagement Research (2021-22) for Imaginate
An online survey and case study interviews into the use of Theatre, Dance and Drama in schools. Feedback was gathered from schools and nurseries, artists, and arts organisations to understand experiences of these programmes and to identify learning and areas of good practice. The report can be accessed here.
Socio-Economic Duty Research: Scotland (2018) for the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC)
The work focused on understanding the impact of socio-economic clauses contained across four pieces of existing legislation, and sought to idenitfy any learning ahead of the introduction of the Scottish Government's Fairer Scotland Duty. A telephone survey of public bodies was conducted, along with semi-structured interviews with regulatory bodies, inspection bodies, Parliamentarians, and Scottish Government departments. The final report can be accessed here.
Stakeholder Research (2020) for the Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland
This work sought to understand the views and experiences of both professional and non-professional service users regarding various elements of the Mental Welfare Commission's work/services. An online survey (with optional paper-based and Easy Read versions) was used, along with follow-up depth interviews and a national stakeholder event. The final report can be accessed here.
Decision Making on Bail and Remand in Scotland (2020-2023) for the Scottish Government - with KSO Research
The overall aim of this research was to explore how decision making works in practice, as well as to gather perceptions on bail options. The work involved surveys and interviews with members of the judiciary and Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service (COPFS), as well as interviews with solicitors and criminal justice social workers. The final report can be accessed here.
Establishing Unit Costs for Criminal Justice Social Work Services across Scotland (2014-15) for the Scottish Government
This involved both top-down and bottom-up methodologies to establish the unit cost associated with the delivery of criminal justice social work services provided by all local authorities across Scotland. This involved depth interviews with local authority criminal justice social work teams for the two strands of the work, as well as the collection and analysis of detailed spend data, output data, establishing typical tasks and staff time inputs, etc.
Young Persons' Free Bus Travel Scheme for Transport Scotland
Evaluations of Active Travel and Road Safety Initiatives for Transport Scotland