Qualitative Research

Children and Young People


Decisions Influencing Early Learning and Childcare (ELC) Use in Scotland: Understanding Social Policies and Social Contexts (2021-22) for the Scottish Government

The work aimed to develop a better understanding of the decision making process, influencing factors, and potential barriers to the use of funded ELC in Scotland. It sought to understand the impact that the newly increased funded hours had on parental choices and experience of childcare and parental employment opportunities. A series of interviews were conducted with parents/carers, laregly selected to reflect key 'priority family types' identified by the Scottish Government as being at higher risk of child poverty. The final report can be accessed here


Experiences of Child Contact Disputes (2018) for the Scottish Legal Aid Board (SLAB)

This work sought to help SLAB understand the experiences of people involved in resolving a child contact dispute, to highlight the journey people go through and how the availability of public funding might affect decision making and outcomes. A series of depth interviews were conducted with SLAB applicants, those who had privately funded a child contact dispute, solicitors, Sheriffs and civil court clerks, family mediation services and third sector support organisations. The final report can be accessed here



Review of Equality Outcomes Published in April 2021 (2021) for the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC)

Desk based review of listed authorities Equality Outcome Reports. Over 80 reports were collated and assessed against a matrix to consider the extent to which each set of Equality Outcomes performed against key indicators. This work was unpublished. 


Evaluation of the Implementation of the Socio-Economic Duty in Scotland and Wales (2020-21) for the EHRC

A process and impact evaluation to understand different implementation processes/models developed in Scotland (where the legislation was live) and those planned for Wales (where the legislation was forthcoming), as well as to understand the impact the legislation had on relevant public bodies, those experiencing socio-economic disadvantage, and third sector support organisations. Interviews were conducted with a sample of public bodies along with a review of their published documents, and focus groups and mini-group interviews were held with other stakeholders who had an interest in the duty. The final report is available here


Understanding the Experiences of those with Learning Disabilities in the Criminal Justice System when Accused or Convicted of a Crime (2016-17) for the EHRC

A series of semi-structured interviews were conducted with criminal justice agencies, public and third sector support agencies for both offenders and those with learning disabilities more generally, and with individuals with learning disabilities and experiences of the criminal justice system as an accused or convicted person. The final report can be accessed here.  


Review of Scottish Ministers' Progress in Meeting their Specific Duty (2016) for the EHRC

As part of the Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) Scottish Ministers are subject to a specific duty to publish proposals to support listed authorities to better perform the PSED (every four years) and report on progress in this area (every two years). The research reviewed Scottish Ministers progress in meeting their specific duty at the mid-point in their first reporting cycle, i.e. two years into the proposal setting cycle and following the publication of their first progress report. Interviews were conducted with the Scottish Government and public and third sector equalities professionals to assess progress and any impacts these had made thus far. The final report can be accessed here


Equality Issues in the Legal Profession (2014-15) Law Society of Scotland 

The work was structured around three specific equalities issues: (a) issues facing transgender solicitors, (b) issues related to age, and specifically older age, and (c) issues related to gender and working patterns. A series of depth interviews were conducted, including mini-group interviews and one-to-one in person and telephone interviews. Each strand was reported separately. 

Criminal Justice


Electronic Monitoring and Community Sentences: Action Research (2016-17) for Glasgow Justice Authority - with KSO Research

The work explored the local use and understanding of electronic monitoring of offenders in the community. The work canvassed the views of criminal justice professionals, offenders subject to electronic monitoring and the families, organisations representing victims of crime, and members of the general public. A series of interviews were conducted, as well as deliberative workshops with local communities and workshops for professionals working in the area. 


Evaluation of the 'Individual Admission Meeting' (IAM) and 'Short Term Prisoner Integrated Case Management (STPICM) Process' Pilots (2016) for the Scottish Prison Service (SPS) - with KSO Research 

A process and early outcomes evaluation of these two different approaches to short term prisoner integrated case management. The work focused on three prisons, with interviews carried out with SPS staff, external support agencies, prisoners and Governors. 


Evaluation of AIRMAPS (20115-16) for SPS - with KSO Research 

AIRMAPS was an asset based case management approach developed to be more prisoner led to identify needs and areas for support. The work focused on seven prisons across Scotland and included interviews with Governors, managers, operational staff, and prisoners, as well as reviews of management and monitoring data. 


Purposeful Activity Review: Cruden House, HMP YOI Grampian (2015) for SPS - with KSO Research 

While Cruden House (the young offenders facility at HMP Grampian) was closed for renovation, all young offenders were moved to Polmont. The research sought to establish the profile of young offenders from teh Northern Community Justice Authority area, and to understand their needs and preferences for purposeful activity. The work involved an international literature review, interviews with SPS staff, interviews with young offenders, and a mapping exercise to identify possible partner organisations to support purposeful activity. 



Women and Girls' Safety on Public Transport (2022) for Transport Scotland - with KSO Research

A series of interviews with female passengers and workers into women and girls' perceptions and experiences of personal safety when using public transport in Scotland. A workshop with professional stakeholders was also held to discuss the results and how recommendations could be taken forward. The research won a Government Social Research (GSR) Impact Award. The final report can be accessed here


Review of Active Travel Policy Implementation (2016) for Transport Scotland - with JMP

A case study approach was adopted, with five initiatives and infrastructure projects chosen as the focus of the work. Interviews were conducted with key stakeholders to understand the extent to which active travel considerations were given prevalence during the design and implementation stages. The final report can be accessed here


Tackling the School Run (2016) for the Scottish Government - with SYSTRA

This work was designed to inform the development of an integrated package of policies to reduce car use and increase active travel modes on the 'school run'. The work involved an international literature review and secondary data analysis, and the identification of case study areas where interviews were conducted with head teachers and other school staff, mini-group interviews with P6, S1 and S3 pupils, and pupil-led interviews with their parents. Interviews were also conducted with other professional stakeholders. The final report can be accessed here

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